Frieze New York
News 15:34 PM - 18 May 12

The week of Frieze New York was a busy one for Art Advisory Services. Thea, Suzanne and Ashley began the week with a preview of the Museum of Modern Art’s exhibitions, “Ecstatic Alphabets / Heaps of Language” and “Taryn Simon: A Living Man Declared Dead and Other Chapters I-XVIII.”  The former exhibition included a viewing of Paulina Olowska’s performance piece, Alphabet (2005), itself inspired by the typographic book ABECEDA by Karel Teige, a Czech designer.

It was the inaugural year for Frieze New York, which took place in a tent on Randall’s Island.  Most everyone was impressed with the fair, which featured some excellent booth presentations, coupled with a relatively relaxed atmosphere.  Highlights included the always intriguing Cabinet booth; the presentation of Lutz Bacher’s work at Alexander Zachary Peter Currie; and Matias Faldbakken’s installation at Standard (Oslo).

Out of town clients took advantage of being in New York by visiting galleries, artist studios and museum exhibitions, including New Museum’s Klara Liden show.

Alphabet (2005)

Ecstatic Alphabet Exhibition

MoMA Discussion of Exhibition

Paulina Olowska

Studio Visit with Cheyney Thompson

Studio Visit with Sean Paul

Suzanne at Front Desk Apparatus

Suzanne with Martin McGeown of Cabinet

Sean Paul Installing Work at TWAAS Client Residence