Paris: FIAC
News 19:24 PM - 6 Nov 12

FIAC opened in Paris a week after FRIEZE.  And without pause for breath, the TWAAS team, committed to covering both of these important events, caught the train from London to Paris, arriving a number of days before the vernissage. The extra time was not wasted. On the 14th of October, Westreich Wagner, Thea and Ethan’s publishing imprint, collaborated with Clément Dirié on an exhibition and event with Atelier EB (Lucy McKenzie and Beca Lipscombe). The exhibition included prototype clothing for a future collection by Atelier as well as mood boards and a new set of luxury blankets, one by Marc Camille Chaimowicz, one by Beca Lipscom and one by Lucy McKenzie.

Thea, Ethan, Suzanne and Ashley were pleased by the quality of FIAC this year, especially the top floor and the Salon d’Honneur sections. Presenting an ever more international outlook, the fair offered a number of opportunities to see great art and have in-depth conversations with gallerists from Europe and other parts of the world. Some of the stand out displays included a solo booth by Heimo Zobernig at Galerie Christian Nagel; Zobernig again at Simon Lee Gallery alongside Norwegian artist Mathias Faldbakken; Galleria Franco Noero’s installation of a major work by Lara Favaretto; Klara Liden and Bernadette Corporation at Galerie Neu; Ugo Rondinone at Galerie Eva Presenhuber; and Seth Price and Wade Guyton at Galerie Chantal Crousel. Galerie Balice Hertling and GB Agency, both of which have permanent gallery spaces in Paris, had outstanding booths and Balice Hertling also collaborated with the Milan based design gallery Nilufar on a beautiful exhibition that combined artworks and furniture in a private apartment. The fair also gave TWAAS the time to sit and learn about new artists with Fernando Mesta from House of Gaga, an impressive young gallery based in Mexico City with a refreshing global perspective.

Galleries in Paris offered great viewing opportunities including Galerie Kreo which had an exhibition organized by the collector Marcel Brient; the pioneering American video artist, Gary Hill, at In-Situ/Fabienne Leclerc; Pratchaya Pinthong at GB Agency; Amy Sillman at Campoli Presti; Gabriel Orozco at Galerie Chantal Crousel and a group exhibition at the Kadist Foundation co-curated by Rosella Biscotti, whose art work had earlier this year been exhibited at Documenta and Manifesta. One final treat was the installation of a major piece by Ryan Gander in a group exhibition at the Palais de Tokyo.

The TWAAS team also managed to attend some of the “extra-curricular” events that took place during the week of FIAC. This included a visit to the sculpture installation at the Tuilleries, with an elegant mirrored sculpture by Tom Burr; the launch of a new edition by Gabriel Kuri for Three Star Press; and a nightclub performance by prodigious polymath Emily Sundblad, who proves that gallerist, painter and singer are not mutually exclusive activities, thank goodness!

Thea meets with Fernando Mesta from House of Gaga at FIAC

Thea and Ethan with Paula Cooper Gallery director Steven Henry

Ethan and Niklas Svennung at Gabriel Orozco's exhibition at Galerie Chantel Crousel

Thea and Niklas Svennung at Galerie Chantal Crousel

Thea and Clément Dirié at Galerie Kreo

Thea, Suzanne and Ashley at GB Agency

Ashley, Suzanne and Thea visit Amy Sillman's exhibition at Campoli Presti in Paris with Cora Muennich

A sculpture at the Tuileries Garden, Paris

Melanie Scarciglia of Three Star Press presenting a new edition by Gabriel Kuri

Thea at the Atelier E.B. presentation in Paris

Paula Cooper gallery presented 'Carte Blanche' in Patrick Seguin's Paris space

Thea and Ethan with Christian Nagel discussing Heimo Zobernig's work at FIAC, Paris

Tom Burr at the Tuileries Garden, Paris

Thea looking at Heimo Zobernig's work in Christian Nagel Gallery booth at FIAC, Paris

Lucy Mckenzie, at far left, talks with Suzanne, Ashley and Thea

Emily Sundblad performance at Le Silencio in Paris