New York Gallery Visits
News 16:09 PM - 3 Dec 12

Suzanne and Rob attended the opening of Friedrich Petzel’s new space on 18th Street in Chelsea, where the inaugural exhibition was a solo show by Seth Price. Opening on the same night was Gaylen Gerber at Wallspace and Sascha Braunig at Foxy Production. After the excitement and conviviality of these openings, it was heartbreaking to hear of the damages suffered by these galleries due to Hurricane Sandy. Our sympathies are extended to everyone who was affected by the hurricane both inside the art world and out. The remarkable resilience of New Yorkers has never been more apparent.

It was exhilarating for Suzanne, Ashley and Rob to be able to visit galleries in Chelsea and the Lower East Side in the weeks following Sandy. Some of the many exhibitions on view included Ai Wei Wei at Mary Boone, Richard Hawkins at Greene Naftali Gallery, Rosemarie Trockel at the New Museum, Fred Lonidier at Essex Street Gallery and Martin Beck at 47 Canal. An exhibition of large paintings by Helen Frankenthaler, Morris Louis, Kenneth Noland and Frank Stella at Mitchell-Innes & Nash added an historical perspective to the gallery visits.

On a separate occasion, Thea, Ethan, Suzanne, Ashley and Rob spent a day covering recent gallery exhibitions before focusing on preparations for Art Basel Miami. Exhibitions on view included Adriana Lara at Algus Greenspon, British artist Jeremy Deller and Alex Katz at Gavin Brown’s Enterprise, new work by John Baldessari at Marian Goodman, Ai Wei Wei at Mary Boone’s 5th Avenue exhibition space and two series of photographs by Lee Friedlander at Pace Macgill, a truly brilliant artist who is off many people’s radar. More historically minded were exhibitions on the Upper East Side including that of Pier Paolo Calzolari, Phyllida Barlow, Jack Goldstein and Cy Twombly.

Rob at Seth Price's exhibition which opened Friedrich Petzel's new exhibition space in Chelsea

Thea, Suzanne and Ethan at Lee Friedlander's recent exhibition

Suzanne and Ashley discuss Martin Beck's exhibition with Margaret Lee from 47 Canal

Ashley looks at a work by Haim Steinbach at The Artist's Institute, with sculptures by Nina Beier in foreground

Suzanne viewing Olafur Elliasson at Tanya Bonakdar Gallery

Thea and Ethan discuss the work of Adriana Lara with Amy Greenspon

Ashley viewing new work by John Baldessari

Ethan looks at a sculpture by Ai Wei Wei at Mary Boone's uptown space

Ashley and Rob in front of paintings by Kenneth Noland and Morris Louis

Thea inspects a work by Pier Paolo Calzolari at Marianne Boesky

Suzanne standing at the entrance to Richard Hawkins exhibition at Greene Naftali

Suzanne inspects work by Fred Lonidier at Essex Street Gallery

Curator Jenney Jaskey and Director Anthony Huberman at The Artists Institute

Thea looking a painting by Bjarne Melgaard at Amalia & Dayan