Meeting with artists
News 22:56 PM - 27 Nov 12

In recent weeks, Thea and Ethan spent time with artists they admire, learning in the most direct way possible about their various practices. Accompanied by Rob Teeters, who runs Front Desk Apparatus, they visited Sean Paul in his studio in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn. Thea and Ethan collaborated with Rob Teeters on a successful exhibition by the artist in November 2011. The recent studio visit affirmed their interest in Paul’s work and gave them an opportunity to learn of new developments.

Dinner with French-born, British artist Marc Camille Chaimowicz provided ample time for lively conversation about art and life. Also in attendance were gallerist Andrew Kreps, his colleague Liz Mulholland and the director of Artist’s Space Stefan Kalmar.  It was thrilling to see drawings by the artist of new work and to hear him speak about his engaging art practice.

Last but not least, Philippe Parreno stopped in at TWAAS to look at the installation of his works currently installed in the exhibition space at the office. Parreno was afforded the visit on a brief sojourn to New York following the opening of the exhibition Dancing Around the bride: Cage, Cunningham, Johns, Rauschenberg and Duchamp in Philadelphia. Parreno’s visit to TWAAS allowed him to tweak the installation of his artworks and for us to experience his remarkable intellect and humor.

Gallery visits and preparations for Art Basel Miami will occupy TWAAS in the coming week as we review the works that will be offered by galleries at the fair, and insuring availability of coveted works of art for clients. It is always an exciting and busy finish to the year.

Marc Camille Chaimowicz and Stefan Kalmar in front of a work by Henrik Olesen

Ethan is impressed and Rob Smiles with pleasure at Sean Paul's studio

Ethan and Sean Paul in the artist's studio