Art Advisory Services at the Fairs
News 19:38 PM - 22 Mar 12

The TWAAS team spent early March canvassing the fair trifecta – the Armory Show on the Piers, the ADAA’s Art Show at the uptown Armory, and Independent. This year’s Armory Show featured a re-design by architects Bade Stageberg Cox, allowing for larger booths and more public space. The fair devoted a section to young Nordic galleries, including Crystal from Stockholm who presented Goldin+Senneby’s model and performance “The Discreet Charm.” Theaster Gates, the Armory Show’s commissioned artist, was in residence for the duration of the fair, taking meetings, discussing projects and engaging with curators and collectors alike. At the Pilar Corrias booth, we were able to view Philippe Parreno’s preparatory works for his film on Marilyn Monroe, to premiere later this year at Fondation Beyeler. And for clients whose focus is not contemporary art, we ventured to Pier 92, which featured blue chip galleries presenting modernist and post-war material.




