London: Frieze
News 18:19 PM - 6 Nov 12

Thea, Ethan, Suzanne and Ashley traveled to London for Frieze art fair. Accompanied by a number of clients who took time from their busy schedules to attend. The group took in the fair and many of the exhibitions and performances that were scheduled to coincide with the fairs. This year also saw the addition to the calendar of Frieze Masters, which although more intimate in scale, saw the presentation of works from antiquity right up to the year 2000.

Frieze fair offered many solid showings from the participating galleries, though perhaps with fewer surprises than in some years past. Highlights included Andrew Kreps Gallery booth with paintings by Ricci Albenda and a beautiful carpet by Marc Camille Chaimowicz; Lisson Gallery presented a large wall paper piece by Ryan Gander; Cabinet Gallery offered an opportunity to learn about the fascinating work of the Los Angeles based John Knight; Standard (Oslo) offered two installations one of which featured a large scale sculpture by Oscar Tuazon; T293 showed new work by James Beckett and the Japanese gallery Taka Ishii showed a group of works by the artist Yuki Kimura.

As part of the trip, the group took in a number of the other exhibitions that were on view in London. Highlights include Ed Atkins major solo exhibition at Chisenhale Gallery, Heimo Zobernig’s paintings at Simon Lee, Laura Owens at Sadie Coles, new paintings by Blake Rayne at Campoli Presti, and a major exhibition at the Serpentine by Thomas Schutte and an exhibition of his new work at Frith Street Gallery.

The trip to London also allowed for studio visits with Ryan Gander and Keith Tyson, the latter who had work at the Pace Gallery booth at Frieze. There was also the opportunity to see a performance by The Black Monks of Mississippi, a group of musicians that includes the artist Theaster Gates among its members and who performed at the most recent Documenta.

Ashley at Laura Owen's exhibition at Sadie Coles HQ

Ashley at the Sunday Art Fair

Ethan with the artist Merlin Carpenter at Frieze Art Fair

The Stones visit Blake Rayne's exhibition

Thea and Ethan with clients at Frieze Art Fair

Ed Atkins video installation at Chisenhale

James Beckett, Thea, Marco Altavilla and Ethan at T293's booth

Thea and Ethan meet with editors from Phaidon

Norman Stone, Suzanne and Ethan meet with Keith Tyson

Studio visit with the artist Ryan Gander

Suzanne at Thomas Schutte's exhibition at Frith Street Gallery

Suzanne visits Theaster Gates exhibition at White Cube, London

The Black Monks of Mississippi perform at White Cube, London