Thea and Ethan Hit Belgium and The Netherlands
News 23:02 PM - 6 Jun 12

In advance of Documenta and Art Basel, Thea and Ethan arrived early in Europe to visit a few sites in Belgium and The Netherlands. The first day was spent with Rotterdam dealer Wilfried Lentz at Manifesta, held this year in Genk, Belgium.

Thea and Ethan were also able to visit James Beckett’s exhibition at the Zeeuws Museum in Middelburg, NL and to spend some time discussing future projects with the young artist over food in Brussels.  Also in Middelburg, Thea and Ethan visited the exhibition of artist Rosella Biscotti at De Vleeshal, where they met with the museum’s curator, Lorenzo Benedetti.

Amidst all the museums and other exhibitions, Thea and Ethan were able to fit in time for a few choice gallery shows, including Lucy Skaer at Tulips & Roses in Brussels. They also found a moment to visit a window project by the artist Lucy McKenzie at Mu.ZEE in Oostende.

James Beckett and his artist friend Anthony

Lucy McKenzie's Window in Oostende

Thea and curator Lorenzo Benedetti at De Vleeshal

Thea and Wilfried at lunch discussing what they have seen at Manifesta and in Middelburg

Ethan at Manifesta

Ethan at Tulips and Roses

Thea at James Beckett