Thea, Ethan and Suzanne in London for Frieze
News 20:18 PM - 22 Mar 12

Thea, Ethan and Suzanne traveled to London for the annual Frieze Fair. By most accounts, the fair itself was a bit disappointing, but for us, there are always enough galleries and artists to make the trip worth while. Gavin Brown had a good booth as did Cabinet/Bortolozzi, which featured the work of J Chung and Q Takeki Maeda — and Daniel Buchholz’s booth is always worth visiting (speaking with him or any of his staff is guaranteed to enliven the visitor).

The Sunday Fair continues to grow and is a place to be introduced to smaller galleries and discover some intriguing new artists. The Gander Bar is always a great place to hang out with artists and enjoy a “feets up” moment.

There were also some intriguing gallery and museum shows including Gerhard Richter at Tate Modern; Degas and the Ballet at the Royal Academy; Anri Sala at the Serpentine; and Scott Lyall at the new Campoli Presti space on the East End. Perhaps the most interesting show of the week was Ryan Gander’s Locked Room Scenario—an exhibition commissioned by Art Angel, of fictional artists that by and large could not be seen, other than tantalizing glimpses through small windows.

