Blake Rayne “Stool” 2013
News 18:57 PM - 20 Mar 13
  • Blake Rayne
  • Westreich Wagner Publications
  • 2013
  • Multi
  • 17 x 17 x 30 inches
  • $18,000

Westreich Wagner Publications (New York) is very pleased to present a new work from Blake Rayne’s ‘a’ line, an ongoing investigation by the artist. As with all the ‘a’ works, this new project can be seen as a distillation of ideas, processes and techniques inherent within different formats of cultural production.

Blake’s ‘a’ line project originates from a file generated in screen space, which is then output into different display formats (i.e. painting, book, stool…). The rest is all that remains and, therefore, we are delighted to offer a place to sit: a stool composed of layers of felt and powder coated steel.

Blake Rayne
Stool, 2013
Edition of 3 + 2 AP
Approximately 17 (h) x 17 x 30 inches
Felt, powder coated steel

Blake Rayne side view

Blake Rayne
