James Beckett “works of James Beckett with constant interjections by Frank Key”
News 17:17 PM - 14 Feb 13
  • Distributed: WALTER KONIG, COLOGNE
  • 8 7/8 x 13 1/4 inches (22.6 x 33.7 cm)
  • €29.80 $39.00

In a spatially and conceptually complex arrangement of text, image and scale, this book is a multi-vocal account of the varied practice of Amsterdam-based artist James Beckett. Beckett’s work explores minor histories, many of which are concerned with industrial development and demise across Europe, a process of investigation which is as much physical as it is biographical. The pages of this new monograph are littered with associative interjections from the archive of Frank Key’s radio program “Hooting Yard”, as an irreverent running commentary. These texts become marginal notes to, and poetic mirrors of, the contributions of the book’s eleven other authors.

Contributing Authors:

Will Bradley, Kari Cwynar, Moosje M. Goosen, Will Holder, Virginija Januškevičiūtė, Kathrin Jentjens, Angela Jerardi, Frank Key, Frances Larson, Catrin Lorch, Brian Pugh and Dieter Roelstraete.

Silk Screened Black Linen Hardcover
8 7/8 x 13 1/4 inches (22.6 x 33.7 cm)
292 pages

James Beckett