Hollyweird 2.0

June 21st, 2011

The good people over at Gritty Goat have just released our friend Tall Black Guy’s Hollyweird 2.0 for free download. Why this thing is free I don’t know because it is straight MONEY. I first caught wind of Detroit native TBG at a Chicago all city beat battle where he tied for first place with Kenny Keys. Personally I thought the defending champ Rude One murdered them both in the same way I thought The Opus murdered Rude One the previous year but still, nobody can fuck with TBG’s head nod factor. I’ll never forget the first time our Moment Sound brother Garo booked TBG for a show at Darkroom as he brought his entire desktop and rocked Sonic Foundry’s Acid program with keyboard shortcuts – killed it. Hollyweird 2.0 is perfect for this time of year – summery glazed soul beats for the BBQ – grab a cutie’s hand and take a walk along the beach before swimming amongst the stars give you a brain aneurism.

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