sleeping wide awake

Radius - Sleeping Wide Awake

No doubt our society is complacent. Is Hollywood’s never ceasing fascination with the walking dead any wonder? Radius’ Sleeping Wide Awake is a call from a reflecting awareness – wake up. In his own words: “people are zombies ”sleepwalking” and so much going on around them is here to awaken them, they just need a change of diet. Mentally, physically and spiritually I feel music is that cure.”. In essence this is what hip hop has been about since the get (despite what clear-channel and mainstream “you are getting sleeeeeeepy” thrust repeats would have the world believe). Knock Knock. Who’s there? Beats with swagger before “swag” became yet another example of how late pop exploitation decides what’s cool. Radius’ tracks capture a certain meditative quality that is neither ambient or new-agey, a something-a-ruther often missed in music of technological mediums. Chopped and pitched samples, vinyl static, classic breaks, steps without quantization, piercing envelopes, – all played and recorded in real time. Raw. Simply put, Sleeping Wide Awake is a hip hop instrumental album from a true head for true heads and beyond. Enjoy.

download complete zip (high quality .mp3)

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