Recently Quarion, of Drumpoet Community (an excellent Swiss record label), payed us a visit, coming all the way from Berlin! He played an amazing deep house live pa set at one of our small underground parties @ El Dorado. The audio is live and the video is a mixture of live and recent footage of the Chicago skyline. Video was done by jystin james.

you can find a little more information about this as well as a recording of some sets here – thank you m50!

[m_002] :: Lokua – Trails

April 7th, 2008

Lokua - Trails

Lokua – Trails

download zip file of the release

Lokua (Joshua Keckner) is a master of melody, texture and mood. Many are yet to experience this musician’s full scope of ability. Lokua’s earlier works consist largely of down-tempo instrumental hip-hop. Recent works branch out to include a large scope of electronic genres with a significant amount of dance material. Lokua’s sound is characterized by the richness and sincerity of its emotional content with even the danciest of tracks retaining a deep, cerebral sophistication.

A Chicago native, Lokua has fully embraced and embodied his environment. His sound is deeply rooted in the city’s music and social history and his countless live performances are imbued with contemporary yet authentic and raw Chicago culture. With a back catalog of tracks hovering in the thousands (including a number of conceptually-complete albums) and new ones being produced daily, we can look forward to a great variety of music releases in the near (as well as distant) future.

links: Lokua’s myspace contact: lokua *At* momentsound *Dot* com

cover art by ac.jazz

the night that laid still

The Night That Laid Still out on shade::red

A great self-released EP from Justin McGrath []. The title track tastefully combines live instrumentation with programmed drums and sound design elements to create a dreamy, melancholy mood reminding me of all those nights that I wish stood still, but unfortunately did not, inevitably coming to an end. The following track, “Overly Conscious”, lightens the mood a bit (but only a bit) with its pensive violins and rich piano chords. The dreaminess and spaciousness of the title track then develop into ever deeper and moodier expanses of soothing (yet eerie) ambiance of the following pieces. This is where the journey begins. We leave our mundane concerns and self-indulgent desires and begin to experience something else, something otherworldly, pure and light. Hope I’m not sounding too new agy… but really, if you let your mind drift along withe the sounds, you’ll end up in some magical places. Finally “Deconstruction” gently brings you back to to reality while soothing piano and guitar reinterpret the title track.

The accompanying video, by Bridget Driessen (who also did the artwork) provides a great visual component (you can get an idea by watching the teaser video).

The EP also includes a bonus collections of Remixes.

 The Night That Laid Still [4:44m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (2830)

 Still Night Mix (Slava) [5:11m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1686)

Love Worth Sharing, pt2

February 12th, 2008

I Need It
I Need it
A rather eclectic French web-label with a demanding name has finally released the debut EP by its founder, Kaiton. This is the label’s 8th release; it is a captivating mixture of convoluted melancholy colours, fragmented field recordings and ebbing ripples of crackling texture. Simply titled “Tone,” it is promising and brief. Check.

 Kaiton - Field Project Hit It Rendered [5:58m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1453)

coyote dg

 CoyoteDG Live at WNUR [59:36m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1936)

Hi everybody! Its me, Uncle Garo! I am here to interview a growing force in the live electronic music scene here in Chicago- CoyoteDG!!!! Let’s begin, shall we? Read the rest of this entry »

Love Worth Sharing

February 4th, 2008

Dubfront Records
Dubfront Records
Read the rest of this entry »

 Zulu - Ransom The Senator (JKS ReDubDubFinal) DFR-D011 Dubfront Records [5:04m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1001)

 Slow Children - Grey Libertados mx: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (616)

 Old School Lokua [39:11m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (2085)

Here is a bunch of beats I made waaay back in the day mixed by Oneword, a producer/dj currently situated in Portland. He makes music of his own that you can check out @


Momentsound congratulates Thomas McCauley AKA Blackdaylight for his first netlabel release “The Second Season Mix” available for free @

Blackdaylight’s sound has often been described as “lava-love” music; Deep and sexy, something lovers can bubble-bath to. “The Second Season” however takes on a more pensive stance. The title track grabs you by the hand and takes you through an erie wilderness as if to deliver a secret message. As the next few songs progress one cannot escape the feeling of being lead through time (Teeth2, Lost in the Moment), as if you’re Ebenezer and The Ghost of Christmas Past is showing you your wickedness. Pain and sadness are bold themes throughout the EP yet an underlying sense of peace persists. Just when the heavy current is about to engulf you (“BetaWaves600Below”) the city awakes with “West End Autumn Blaze Mix”. Picture Big Bird blunted w/ shades on – a slow burner for mature relaxation. “The Second Season Mix” closes w/ the sonic completeness of jazz; guitar, bass, and horns over deep pulsing drums only the most sincere beat-heads like Blackdaylight can lace. The Second Season Approaches! Don’t sleep!


Uncle Garo does it again!

December 20th, 2007

Hi, kids! It is me, your uncle garo! I am here to provide you with a clip of me doing a live pa @ the mini-dutch gallery in chicago. The video was shot by my good friend, and momentsound commrade, J.Beckman AKA drmlgcc! Also, stay tuned for interviews w/local electronic musicians hosted by me, uncle garo! Please write in with suggestions of your favorite electronic musicians at, or feel free to write in for any other electronic music advice, questions, or comments. Questions concerning society, automobiles, food, pets,school, religion, love, and relationships will also be accepted. Exceptional e-mails WILL be posted! And remember kids, regardless of religious and spiritual affiliations, we must remember to love one another year round! Happy Holidays!

Pheromone Live @ Moment 14

October 19th, 2007

A recent minimal live set recorded @ Moment 14 on October 7th, 2007 in Chicago.
Drums: Korg Electribe ER Ambiance and Melody: Reason

 Pheromone Live @ Moment 14 [35:44m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (2050)

pheromone2 pheromone1

Coyote DG live @ Shiku Garu

September 8th, 2007

a slightly overdue post but a good listen:


 Coyote DG live @ Shiku Garu [22:28m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1948)

Lokua Live @ Dulcenea

August 16th, 2007

Here is part of a live set I performed on Aug. 8, 2007 at Dulcenea in Wicker Park. The set is divided in two parts, the first being strictly tech-house and the second hip-hop/boom bap/dumb-n-bass/emo-krunk, whatever you want to call it. Let me know what you think!

Peace and shout out to Garo, Slava, and M50 for getting the dance floor amped before I played:) – couldn’t have asked for a better set up. I’d also like to thank Psymbolic for having us play Onomatopoeia again, not to mention every one who came out to support and shake their stankin’ asses! I LOVE YOU!!!
R.I.P. Dulcenea:(


 Lokua Live @ Dulcenea [34:43m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1967)

a few pictures from the show:







Here is a demo of the new set I’ve been working on. Recorded in real time with two Korg Electribe machines (my first attempt at mixing between two machines, so its still a little sloppy :)

 Minimal Demo Set [28:11m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (33)

drum machine

photos by: James Beckman

Live sets:

 Slava & Lokua Live @ Moment 11 [39:12m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (2785)

 Miles Tilmann Live @ Moment 11 [35:54m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (3113)

 Coyote DG Live @ Moment 11 [31:20m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (2872)

 Garo Live @ Swings Set [30:51m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (3122)

All sets were recorded live on July 1st @ Subterranean, 2011 North Ave Chicago IL except for Garo’s set recorded live on June 31 @ Morseland (1218 Morse, Chicago IL).

all of the sets were mastered by Slava for Moment Mastering

Pop Terror

June 29th, 2007

Some songs from a 2004 album Pop Terror …she is.

 City Air: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1802)

 When the Sea...: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1909)

 In the Forest of Emotion: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1914)

 In the Forest REMIX by Garo: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (2224)