Lokua Live on RTS.fm

March 4th, 2011

106 miles to Chicago, 106 minutes of Lokua performing original material live for RTS.FM in January of 2011.

Peace and love to Slowerson, dreamlogicc, and of course RTS.FM for making this happen.

You can catch Lokua live every Wednesday for the weekly electronic music night Heartbeats at Morseland in Roger’s Park, Chicago from 10pm-2am.

Moment Sound Vol. 1

March 9th, 2010

The vinyl is in and the first few copies have been shipped out!!!
Here is a free promo track from the album:

 Slava - Anything [6:58m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (3501)

You can also see Lokua’s Violence Jack video below.

Preview other tracks and order your copy directly from us HERE

You can also order it from Groove Distribution in the US and Clone Distribution in Europe

Violence Jack / Belle

February 10th, 2010

“Violence Jack” by Lokua (featured on Moment Sound Vol. 1 compilation)
Video by Slava

“Belle” by Lokua (featured on the Water-Rock album available for free download at Soft Phase net-label)
Video by Chuck Przybyl (more at 10KLux)


Lokua - Nightmare in Crook County Vol. 1

Download ZIP from archive.org or Moment Sound or Dedicated Records

It has been almost a year and a half since the release of “Trails” most which Lokua spent honing his craft in a suburban basement on the outskirts of Chicago and performing more than weekly in various Chicago venues. At this point, there does not exist a corner of electronic music Lokua has not yet made his own and the release is a reflection of this. A great variety of styles are brought together with a strong and coherent narrative structure and a unique “Lokua sound”.
This is a horrifically dark, enigmatic and twisted side of Lokua. Yet the sublime, and at times tender, finesse makes one wish that the sun never shone and we were eternally trapped in the subterranean dungeon of his sick nightmare. Many daemons have been unleashed over the past few years and quite a few extra-terrestrial spirits summoned in order to channel the energy towards a greater musical good that starts out as a soundtrack to your life and slowly becomes life itself.

Lokua on Myspace

go to release on archive.org

Lokua Live @ Heartbeats

May 2nd, 2009


The following cast is a combination of two live sets by Lokua performed at Morseland on Chicago’s North Side for the Weekly series Heartbeats. The first half of the cast (00:00-22:24) took place on March 25 and phases from grass-roots-hip hop to electro jazz-funk to space-krunk. The second half (22:25-49:34) actually took place on an earlier date (March 18) and is highly improvisational, stylistically ranging from ambient-experimental to a minimal tech-house sort of sound.

These sets have also been featured on Solipsistic Nation along with an interview and two extra studio tracks.

 Lokua Live @ Heartbeats (March09) [49:34m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (3618)

Lokua “Water Rock”

February 23rd, 2009

For your ambient listening pleasure, Moment Sound’s own Lokua has made another contribution to the net-audio community w/ his second release “Water Rock” available for free download at Soft Phase net-label.

Heartbeats @ Morseland

January 12th, 2009



04/27/11: FluiD (Live), Dreamlogicc (Live), video by Gravity Max

05/04/11: Garo (Live), Dario Ecks, video by Machinist

05/11/11: Antiphase, Qbot (?), video TBD

05/18/11: Yaroslove, Andrew Solomon, M50 (?), video by Machinist

05/25/11: Hakim Murphy, Chicago Skyway


The Primeridian
The Sound Conspiracy
Drunken Monkeee
Black Daylight
Tomorrow Kings
Kenny Keys
Dojo VS Twitch
The Abominable Twitch
DJ Kana
Elevation AKA Dee Jay Uncle EL
Tall Black Guy
Slow Children
Curious J
DJ Editkut
Makers Of Sense
Franco De Leon
Walter Vandell Harris
Tevo T. Howard
DJ Trew
J Slikk
IL Legit
Ross Kelly
The Great Mundane
Murry The Magnificent
Leo 123
Kenny Keys
Gravity Max
DJ Moppy
Raj Mahal
DJ Flash
Mexicans With Guns
Je July
Chicago Sewer
We Are Aliens
DJ Striz
Gee Cee
Mark Hardy (Ottoman Vampire)
DJ Chip Chop
Beautiful City
Glen Stephani
Mux Mool
Five Step Path
DJ Smut
DJ Qbot
DJ Jean Shorts
Michael Serafini
Mathias Matthew
Mike Brankis
Tyrel Williams
Blue J
Hakim Murphy
Rice The Sound Transmitter
Shazam Bangles
Void Pedal
DJ Draw
DJ Kiddo
Senza 110
Mr. Sorry


Beats For Days

September 9th, 2008


Here is a two part mix of classic hip hop instrumentals featuring some of my biggest inspirations like DJ Premier, Pete Rock, RZA, Large Professor, J-Dilla, Molemen, Diamond D, etc. Most tracks are from the mid to late 90s but there quite a few from the late 80s and 00s. I apologize for not providing a track-list but if you want to know what’s what, email me (lokua@momentsound.com) with the time the track occurs and I will do my best to honor your request.

 Lokua_Classic Instro Mix_pt1: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1178)

 Lokua_Classic Instro Mix_pt2: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1061)


 Lokua live @ Moment 8, April 2007 [23:17m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1600)

Yet another blast from the past live set, this time accompanied by an in depth (and up-to-date) interview…

Slow Children: What was the sky like when you were young?

Lokua: The sky was a visual soundtrack for imagination. Even now i still go to the park and lay down and pretend that I’m hanging from the universe’s ceiling looking down on the sky, something like reverse gravity, the sky is a bottomless pit. Before I had thought about things like an ever-expanding universe or infinity it was all right there in front of me. I didn’t need to think to experience wonder, just had to look.

SC: Bubble helmet ah? …And what about colors?

Read the rest of this entry »

[m_002] :: Lokua – Trails

April 7th, 2008

Lokua - Trails

Lokua – Trails

download zip file of the release

Lokua (Joshua Keckner) is a master of melody, texture and mood. Many are yet to experience this musician’s full scope of ability. Lokua’s earlier works consist largely of down-tempo instrumental hip-hop. Recent works branch out to include a large scope of electronic genres with a significant amount of dance material. Lokua’s sound is characterized by the richness and sincerity of its emotional content with even the danciest of tracks retaining a deep, cerebral sophistication.

A Chicago native, Lokua has fully embraced and embodied his environment. His sound is deeply rooted in the city’s music and social history and his countless live performances are imbued with contemporary yet authentic and raw Chicago culture. With a back catalog of tracks hovering in the thousands (including a number of conceptually-complete albums) and new ones being produced daily, we can look forward to a great variety of music releases in the near (as well as distant) future.

links: Lokua’s myspace contact: lokua *At* momentsound *Dot* com

cover art by ac.jazz

 Old School Lokua [39:11m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (2085)

Here is a bunch of beats I made waaay back in the day mixed by Oneword, a producer/dj currently situated in Portland. He makes music of his own that you can check out @ www.myspace.com/theoneword.


Pheromone Live @ Moment 14

October 19th, 2007

A recent minimal live set recorded @ Moment 14 on October 7th, 2007 in Chicago.
Drums: Korg Electribe ER Ambiance and Melody: Reason

 Pheromone Live @ Moment 14 [35:44m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (2050)

pheromone2 pheromone1

Lokua Live @ Dulcenea

August 16th, 2007

Here is part of a live set I performed on Aug. 8, 2007 at Dulcenea in Wicker Park. The set is divided in two parts, the first being strictly tech-house and the second hip-hop/boom bap/dumb-n-bass/emo-krunk, whatever you want to call it. Let me know what you think!

Peace and shout out to Garo, Slava, and M50 for getting the dance floor amped before I played:) – couldn’t have asked for a better set up. I’d also like to thank Psymbolic for having us play Onomatopoeia again, not to mention every one who came out to support and shake their stankin’ asses! I LOVE YOU!!!
R.I.P. Dulcenea:(


 Lokua Live @ Dulcenea [34:43m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1967)

a few pictures from the show:







photos by: James Beckman

Live sets:

 Slava & Lokua Live @ Moment 11 [39:12m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (2785)

 Miles Tilmann Live @ Moment 11 [35:54m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (3113)

 Coyote DG Live @ Moment 11 [31:20m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (2872)

 Garo Live @ Swings Set [30:51m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (3122)

All sets were recorded live on July 1st @ Subterranean, 2011 North Ave Chicago IL except for Garo’s set recorded live on June 31 @ Morseland (1218 Morse, Chicago IL).

all of the sets were mastered by Slava for Moment Mastering